Friday, February 13, 2015

FFF - Fifty Shades of Crazy

Required Phrase - "And then my Crazy Ex......."
Word Limit - 2 short chapters of 230 each
Forbidden Phrase - Burned
Bonus Words if someone ends up dead.
Extra Credit if you fictionalize a real world story

Part I

This is the only way it could end.  She was fucking crazy.  That's what drew me to her in the first place.   We had mind-blowing sex.  Adrenaline junkie shit, you know? Fucking everywhere we could; daring ourselves to get caught.  Fingering her while we drove 90 on the highway.  If I wanted it, she was down. And Em got it at first.  She knew I had my girl; this was just a fling. Then she caught feelings.  They always do.   The midnight hang ups, showing up at my job, at Starbucks, outside my girlfriend's house...but it was when she torched her tongue with a fucking lighter that she scared me shitless.  What the fuck was she trying to prove?

We met at a Valentine's Charity auction.  I was supposed to go with my regular girl. We were in search of a third.  Just for fun, you know?  Instead, we had a huge fight, she backed out, and I went stag.  Em was on a pedestal in the middle of the room in nothing but 6-inch stilettos  and a patent leather teddy, all curves and burgundy curls.  Someone else won her, but I was the one fucking her at the end of the night.  I know it was wrong, but I was hooked.  Now?  Yeah, this is the only way it could end.  I just need to get away with it.

Part II

Flashing lights.  No sirens.  Incoherent babbling.  A cop furiously scribbling on his note pad.  "And then my crazy ex..."    I have to admit it.  She's selling this shit.  I watch as they wheel out the gurney.  I stay behind the caution tape remembering the rules she'd set in the beginning.  Yeah, those rules went right out the window.    I mean, shit.  Love?  She wanted to give me up for love?  No, what she wants are my stiletto heels digging into her bare ass.  She wants to bury her face in my juicy pussy.  She wants to call me insane, fine.  But she's the one that just offed her girlfriend. I fight to stifle my grin as the last cops pull away.  The coroner is long gone.  That bitch's body? Gone.  I watch her face, seeing remorse flicker in her eyes.  I toss my burgundy hair over my shoulder and walk to her.  I won't comfort her.  It's not in me.  Instead, I lower my mouth to hers.  I want to make sure she knows that I won.  She thought she would kick me to the curb.  She thought she was done with me.  But what we have?  No fucking way.  I drag my tongue piercing across the swell of her bottom lip, swallowing her ragged sigh. Yeah, this is the only way it could end.

Crazy wins every fucking time.


230/230.  Yep, one dead body.  No true story.  Definitely no hearts and flowers this Valentine's Day.


  1. I love the last line. And you managed a dead body!

  2. Yikes... I better check to make sure my bunny hasn't been boiled...
